- Label : OSKVI
Pursuant to Rule 9.20 of the ACE Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, the Company wishes to inform that the aggregate sale consideration of quoted securities by the Company for the preceding 12 months, which has not been announced, has exceeded 5% of OSKVI’s latest audited consolidated net assets, details are as follows:-
(a) Aggregate sale consideration within the preceding twelve (12) months
RM 52.82 million, 30.87% % of OSKVI’s Consolidated Net Assets
(b) Investments in quoted securities as at 8 May 2012
Total Cost 168.87 million
Total Book Value 131.37 million
Total Market Value 131.37 million
(c) Net profit arising from the sale of quoted securities during the current financial year ending 31 December 2012 (Sales proceeds less investment cost and incidental expenses)
RM 29.85 million
It believe the RM 52,8 million includes disposal of all EBWORX shares for RM47million plus 25 million shares mTouche @ ~RM0.28.