It is difficult to find undervalue stocks during the time of record peak of FBMKLCI 1624 pts
Below are some stocks that worth to take a look or accumulate :
1. Maybank (High dividend yield with ASEAN growth story)
2. Mahsing (Property sector is under-performing now. Good growth on next two years based on locked in sale from 2011. Accumulate for next phase of capital appreciation on next 2-3 years)
3. Ta Ann (Keep for long term capital appreciation 3-5 years down the road on oil palm growth)
4. Digi (Good dividend yield with moderate growth)
5. Jaya Tiasa ( Revaluation soon on the stock via the bonus issue, continue growth on FFB production)
6. Delloyd ( ???? controlling 14000 hectares palm oil plantation. It will depend the management how to play.)
7. Zhulian ( Good dividend yield with ASEAN growth story)
8. LPI Capital